Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back to the grind

Started my first day of 2nd semester yesterday - already flooded with homework.  On the first day?  Cmon.  What happened to syllabus week??  Also was fortunate enough to land an internship at Atlantic Records - starts this Friday.  Needless to say my life is about to get pretty hectic.

Anyways, CFV was hosting a cert yesterday and continuing today, so I got my WODs on at the NYU gym:

1/19 -

5x5 @ #165 (just over 50% of max)
3x3 @ #225 (should have gone heavier)
3x1 @ #300

On the 5x5 and 3x3 sets, I was going for speed.  Cranked the reps out as quickly as I could while keeping good form (done in front of a mirror).  I know speed deadlifting at lighter weight is key to raising my 1RM (which is currently pathetic).  Should have gone heavier on the #225 - felt super, super light.

2k Row
7:36 (PR)

Slowly getting better at rowing.  Still tops my suck list, but starting to feel more comfortable on the machine.  Paced this well - started to pick up the pace at 500m left.  All out sprint at 250m


1x5 @ #135
1x5 @ #165
1x5 @ #185
1x2 @ #210 (PR)

Bigtime PR for me.  The 2nd rep of #210 was quite the struggle, but I eventually got it locked out at the top.  I'm really impressed with the strides I have made on the bench press over the last couple of if it could only translate to increased push up strength...

Tabata KB Swings
10, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9

Done in front of a mirror to make sure I was locking out with a straight handle at the top.  Good to work on these - need as much help as I can get locking out my swings

Tabata Squats
19, 18, 18, 16, 16, 16, 17, 19

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast - 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1 salmon patty, broccoli, cashews
Post-wod - dried pears
Lunch - 2 bowls of paleo chili, banana
Snack - beef jerky, cashews
Dinner - 2 chicken sausages, broccoli, cashews

Diet for today so far:
Breakfast - protein shake, cashews, carrots
Post-wod - dried pears
Lunch - 1 chicken breast and assorted seafood w/ salsa, broccoli, spinach, mixed raw nuts


  1. I don't even get a shout out for my breakfast invention?

  2. mango puts salmon in his breakfast. now i do too.

  3. you're a beast, boss. seriously, i thought i ate a lot. this is awesome!!!
