Friday, January 15, 2010


Really excited about tonights workout - couldn't even wait until after the WOD to start blogging.  Gonna hit it hard tonight:

25-20-15-10-5 of
KBS (heavy)
Box jump
Wall ball

Honestly I have no idea what time to shoot for with this WOD.  Sub 10?  Who knows.  I'm gonna be swinging the big daddy 2 pood, and he usually takes control about halfway through a workout.  The hardest part of this WOD for me will be keeping the kb upright at the top of the swing.  Need the coaches to be on my ass about this tonight (ehem, Jonny).  Can't have any of this going on...

Diet for the day so far...
Breakfast - 2 eggs, 3 egg whites, fresh fruit, almonds
Snack - beef jerky


  1. I have a feeling the big daddy is going to toss me around a bit today, as well as the wall balls--this one looks good.

  2. Lifetime - I won't be there tonight! I'm bummed since I need practice judging a high-rep, high round triplet too. I had my "Does Not Count" call ready too! Bummer. Kill it

  3. Today's workout is literally going to kill me. This morning I thought for a moment, what if I quit CF today and just never went back? I'll admit, it's not likely that I'll do that... but 55# KBS and wall ball in the same workout? This wod is going to have its way with me and there is just nothing I can do about it.

    And Jonny, I'm sad and secretly glad that you won't be in tonight. Did you not get enough practice last time telling me my reps didn't count?? As I remember, you said it thirty or so times.

  4. missed you at the box saturday morning at 8am buddy! My whole body was killing me from our Friday night killer WOD! Hope to see you Monday night if your still gonna be around! Great to see you and finally get that WOD in together! I was hurting this am!

  5. Forgot to tell you nice job Friday night--it was great to do that crushing workout with you. Hope you're enjoying life back in NYC!
