Thursday, December 31, 2009

She's Baaaaaack

To continue from yesterdays post, dinner last night was a half pound burger with bacon and avocado, fries w/ ketchup, and a vodka/water/lime later in the evening.  Tasted great, and surprisingly didn't feel that awful afterwards.

Maybe I should eat like that more often...big time PR in the gym today with none other than Crossfit's most famous workout - Fran.  For those of you who don't know, Fran is:

21, 15, 9 of
#95 thrusters
pull ups


Man this workout felt good.  Butterfly pull ups felt really solid, and only in the 9 set did I switch back to the gymnastic kip.  Previous PR was around 4:55, so I'm thrilled with this time.  Honestly, I just wanted to survive it based on the previous night's diet and lack of sleep (not because we were out, I just didn't sleep well).  Part of my motivation during the workout was going up against both Chris and Bryce.  Both athletes are stronger and have better metabolic conditioning than I do, so this workout was a big win for me.  Had a great push from Keith and Anne from Virtuosity as well.

Diet for the day
Breakfast - 3 eggs, 2 slices bacon, 1 slice paleo banana bread, 1 banana, handful of brazil nuts

Post-wod - muscle milk

Lunch - Large salad with chicken, steak, avocado, veggies, cheese (oops) and dressing (not sure, prob sugar based)

Dinner - TBD

Heading out to NYE party with Mango, Coach, and Andy.  Should be full of lots of non-paleo activities.  Also looking forward to a pizza party tomorrow.    


  1. paleo banana bread? what? how is that even possible? can you send me the recipe?

  2. Alison can send you the recipe. She gave it to me.
